Tag Archives | gps tracking

Google Helps Find Your Stolen Android Device

Earlier this month, Google officially announced it’s plans to put out a device locator feature, similar to Apple’s ‘Find my iPhone” app. The free app is called Android Device Manager, and it’s available now for your mobile device running Android version 2.2 or higher. At the very least, this app will show you just how […]

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Majority of Law Enforcement Agencies Track Cell Phones

Majority of Law Enforcement Agencies Engage in Cellphone Tracking

Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada reported that police agencies sometimes monitor the location and communications of civilians through their cell phones. After this announcement, ACLU affiliates across the nation began their own investigations, reporting that “the overwhelming majority of law enforcement agencies that responded engage in at least some cellphone tracking.” […]

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mobile phone tower

Reno Police Deny Cell Phone Tracking Without Court Order

Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada reported that police agencies sometimes monitor the location and communications of civilians through their cell phones. After this announcement, ACLU affiliates across the nation began their own investigations, reporting that “the overwhelming majority of law enforcement agencies that responded engage in at least some cellphone tracking.” […]

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