Terms & Conditions

Products / Apps Submitted For Review

StopCellPhoneTracking.com will not sell any product provided for review. If not returned to the vendor, reviewed products will be stored for future comparisons, donated to charity, or given away either immediately or at a later date. Giveaways will be a random drawing contest or we may opt to give the product to another reviewer of our choosing. Under some circumstances the product may serve no use to anyone and will be disposed of properly.

Unless the product is of significantly high value, we ask vendors to not require a return. It is time consuming and we would like to retain the product for future reviews. If the return of the product is necessary, please provide us sufficient time to review the product and for placement on our publication calendar. We also require paid return shipping. All return requests must be made prior to shipping to StopCellPhoneTracking.com.

Providing a review sample does not ensure a product will be reviewed. If we deem a product is not of sufficient interest to our audience, we reserve the right to not publish a review. If prior arrangements were not made to return the product, please do not ask for the product to be returned.

All correspondences will come from an @stopcellphonetracking.com email address. All shipments will go to Florida to either our PO Box for all carriers (USPS/UPS/FedEx/DHL). There have been instances where some unscrupulous individuals misrepresented themselves to get free merchandise. If in doubt, please email us via the form at www.stopcellphonetracking.com/contact-us/.

Last updated: 06/2013

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