Tag Archives | government tracking

Lawyer Reveals The Surprising Amount Of Data Police Have On You

The primary technology behind mass location tracking is the seemingly innocent Automatic License Plate Reader. Local police departments are building a collection of mass quantities of data about where Americans have gone The following is a transcribed version of Catherine Crump’s TED Talk speech. The shocking police crackdown on protestors in Ferguson, Missouri, in the […]

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NSA headquarters building

U.S. District Judge Rules NSA Phone Records Spying Is Constitutional

The U.S. District Judge William Pauley ruled the National Security Administration’s collection of millions of American’s phone records is constitutional on Friday, dismissing an ACLU lawsuit against the NSA. The judge stated the collection of phone records is a legal and valuable tool to fight terrorism that “only works because it collects everything.” He added […]

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Cellphone Tracking Bill Passed by Nevada Senate

The state senate of Nevada has recently approved a cellphone tracking bill that is intended to provide quicker access to the phone’s location in the event of an emergency. The bill, SB268, is designed to give certain protections to cell carriers who provide the location information to authorities during specific circumstances. The bill is now […]

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California Bill to Restrict Governmental Agencies from Cell Phone Tracking without Warrant

A new law in California has recently been introduced to require government agencies such as police departments to be required to obtain a warrant before using cell phone tracking on phones owned by the American public. This bill, introduced by State Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), came about after a startling discovery by the American […]

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Majority of Law Enforcement Agencies Track Cell Phones

Majority of Law Enforcement Agencies Engage in Cellphone Tracking

Last week, the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada reported that police agencies sometimes monitor the location and communications of civilians through their cell phones. After this announcement, ACLU affiliates across the nation began their own investigations, reporting that “the overwhelming majority of law enforcement agencies that responded engage in at least some cellphone tracking.” […]

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